Trainer & Consultant for Angular
Trainer, consultant and programming architect with focus on Angular. Google Developer Expert (GDE) and Trusted Collaborator in the Angular team who writes for O’Reilly, the German Java Magazine, and windows.developer. Regularly speaks at conferences.
Monorepos allow huge enterprise applications to be subdivided into small and maintainable libraries. However, this is only one side of the coin: We need first to define criteria for slicing our application into individual parts and establish rules for communication between them. This session looks at a solution provided by Strategic Domain-Driven Design. Using an […]
The implementation of micro frontends has so far been anything but easy. Since common frameworks and build tools didn’t even know this idea, you had to dig into the tricks bag. Module Federation offered by Webpack 5 initiates a crucial change of direction here. It allows you to load separately compiled applications at runtime and […]