
Joe Eames


Joe is the CEO of Thinkster.io where he works to improve online learning for developers. He also organizes ng-conf, React Conf, and the Framework Summit. He gives a lot of talks & workshops, is a Google Developer Expert, and loves board games, Dungeons and Dragons, and Star Wars.

My Sessions

In this workshop, you will learn how to author online courses from one of tech’s most successful course authors, Joe Eames. By the end of this workshop, you will know how to design a course, create an outline, choose good audio hardware, how to record screenshot videos, how to edit those videos, and how to […]


Unit testing Angular requires learning specific tools and techniques. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of unit testing, how to those tools, and best practices for unit testing. In addition to learning how to write tests, we will also discuss various forms of testing such as TDD, and discuss where a given method […]
